Thank you for making a pledge to support ministry and mission at Emmanuel.
Your investments here will fund counseling sessions, provide lifesaving prescriptions and nourishing sack lunches, train members for ministry, carry hope into hospital rooms, and more. Your gifts are glorifying God, as well as meeting real, important, daily needs in Champaign-Urbana -- and you are offering God a way to use your generosity to shape you into a more trusting and faithful Christian.
From all of us: Thank you.
Your investments here will fund counseling sessions, provide lifesaving prescriptions and nourishing sack lunches, train members for ministry, carry hope into hospital rooms, and more. Your gifts are glorifying God, as well as meeting real, important, daily needs in Champaign-Urbana -- and you are offering God a way to use your generosity to shape you into a more trusting and faithful Christian.
From all of us: Thank you.